so here I am again doing some random blog posts.......
eventually I have nothing to do right now but bombard myself with Lee Hi's new song 1,2,3,4
since I'm familiarizing it for a new cover..... hoooeeee!!!!
so in the course of repetitively listening to it and watching her Mv non-stop... some things just
crossed my mind..... and so I figured... it's time for some random blog post again [and this
might be very long.....]......
couple of days ago, Lee Ha Yi who is known to be Lee Hi today, a finalist in K-pop Star who
finished second to Park Ji Min, just released her debut MV,.......
song wise.... the song is very daebak......[it's not just a personal opinion but charts prove
that true.] good song + very suitable voice........... indeed she made one amazing song....
though she might be receiving lots of love from the song itself, still a number of negativities
pop up online. things like, she has no camera presence, she doesn't look good on cam, blah blah
blah... things like that.......
well yeah, she seems lost in the MV actually..... again I say, she still lacks the YG energy that
she's supposed to have for a debut.....
one friend mentioned she's like Bom on her debut days..... well kind of.... but a little
different..... Bommie in Fire already has that energy in her... it's just that, she's naturally
"Lost-looking" person...... you get me??? hahahaha...... but Lee Hi is not.... it seems like she
appears to be really lost......
[honestly, she really seem like FEI(MissA) to me..... lots of confidence but losing focus from
time to time..... have you noticed that??? one reason why I thought she'd sign under JYP.....]
well yeah, she still lacks the YG energy that people might probably looking for from a YG talent.
[well let's just imagine her debut from another agency, people might not give any care to her
camera presence..... but then again it's YG, people expect different from them].....
on the other note, she has the YG confidence though....... I'm totally buying her first part in
the MV also her close ups........ lots of confidence... very strong charisma...very nice
projection.....but she's sometimes in the hype of it, and cuts it from time to time..... she's
not really consistent.......[again], get what I mean???].... she just seem to be distracted the
moment she is with the dancers...... well just maybe because she's not that confident with
Maybe just maybe she's not very confident about her dancing still.....
so why did YG gave her all his confidence though it seems like she's not really ready for a YG
debut????... think there's probably one reason for that.......... all her colleagues had debuted
already [well the Top3 that is]...... Baek Ah Yeon, 3rd placer, debuted even before Ji Min did;
months after Park Ji Min, 1st placer debuted with a duo...... so Lee Hi was really behind them
another explanation there might probably be, K-pop Star Management are already pressuring YG to
have her debut...... well again for these reasons as well....... I mean YG haven't failed to give
her activities right..... she's even featured in one of Epik High's songs in their album......
well it's just maybe K-pop star really wants to see her out......
and I just felt that YG gave her a good song just to cover up the lack of energy she has...... [well that's just another maybe.. hahahah]
so right now I'm just waiting for sunday to come and see her perform on stage...... and
already anticipating to see the YG energy that I was talking about..... I mean, live stages were not really new
to her, right........ she'll do good......
rooting for Lee Hi.... a go~go~go~!!!