Lee Hi is now on the middle of her promotions for her record breaking song 1,2,3,4. and just yesterday (Nov,22) that YG released a new single of hers. but YG is just so amazing, they released the song, but it is not free. ... >.<
so I just had been able to listen to the full song just this morning. and found out that the song was originally a pre-debut release for Park Bom........ shocking indeed.... I used to call Lee Hi as "Little Park Bom" for her Bommie-like facial expressions..... who would ever know they would have more to that connection. hahaha
The Song
The song is indeed amazing... I don't know what made it so amazing, is it the song itself, or is it just Lee Hi's voice is nice. but I think it is both. this song is very amazing and Lee Hi's low and solid voice fits perfectly to the song. it makes me feel like I'm watching a drama with this as the bg music and I'm crying out loud on the hearfelt scene..... yes things like that.... this song is just so OST-ish...... And like what YG had revealed, this song is a JYP written song, it is just too obvious that it is.... it has this JYP feel to it that you would usually hear in a JYP Ballad. most Esp the intro..... so JYP piano intro.. and yes, you can even imagine JYP singing this song perfectly...... hahahah.
Lee Hi or Park Bom
this issue, I just can't choose..... Lee Hi and Park Bom gives a different yet perfect feel to this song in anyway around
Lee Hi's deep and solid voice gives this soulful feel to it. more like the ones that you would want to hear in a drama OST.
Bommie's high and fancy voice gave a "pop"/"rnb" feel to this song.. it's more like an rnb ballad in a perfect package.
people in youtube just can't get over the Bommie vs. Lee Hi feel...... well I just though Bommie might be very happy and proud to pass her song to a Maknae she knows would have a great impact on this song....
this news even made me think of things like (1) Bommie is happy about Lee Hi to be doing a song originally for her; and (2) just made me realize how much of a family YG Ent is.. you know like what happens in families, when siblings will share things which are originally theirs and give it to a dongsaeng...... things like that.... never can I imagine other agencies to be doing this..... yeah that's YG Family pride!.....
lastly, on the other note, I just feel a little regret over Lee Hi's late debut. if she has just came out before MAMA finalized their nominee list. this "Little Monster"/"Super Rookie" [I prefer to call her Little Monster.. hahaha] would have made it to the nominee list and had this 50-80% chances of winning the rookie of the year daesang...... such a shame..... hope next year she'll have it.
so yeah, that's all I can say so far...........
......bye bye~!.......
support the YG Family this MAMA 2012.... don't forget to vote. just go to mnet.com before the 28th and navigate towards the MAMA voting page.......