here I am again making this random blog......... and now it's on my Christmas Wishlist....
so well it's obviously Christmas in a few days time...... [but our Christmas Tree is still just a tree, standing there at the living room without any decor at all..... but nvm that].....
so, expect that in some irregular periods of time I will be making random post on items that I want in my Wish List...... and probably compile them when time comes........
so now, here is my Wish Listing 01......
01) a DOZEN of DONUTS [in a box]
well I want it in a box since like what I once told my friends, that I like consuming food in big packs but not really eating all up [since I would probably eat about 1/4 of that's inside and share the rest to everyone]..... well, it's just that..... I like to see big packs...... yum!
and preferably
DUNKIN DONUTS....... though there are lots of donuts that tastes better than this like Krispy Kreme od donuts...... but I prefer this one......
well sounds kinda cheap right????? but then again, that's just item number 1..... ahhahaha.....
so, care to give me one??????