Hello there! had not been able to update my blog for about a week now.... and it's not so me... ahhaha.... well I was kinda busy(???) or not... just not had a thing to blog about.... ahahhaha
so it's few hours before Christmas eve right now..... and I'm taking a fraction of my busy time to scan the net.... when I found FIVI's blog update... and so I figured to update my blog as well.
so this day is going to be a really busy day.... I'm gonna be making all the dishes for Christmas Eve..... and I think I'll be making about 7 of them...... [2 of which had been made advance last night]......
and I'm preparing my vocal chords for my Christmas Carol Cover later.... [Please watch out for it!.]......
well that's it..... think I should be going now.... busy day ahead of me...... but this is gonna be fun...... weeee~!......
P.S: this just made my Christmas a Very Happy one..... ahahhahaha