it's 3:00am and before I get some sleep... I just wanna post this.....
so I'm supposed to be working with our research paper with my classmates at this time.... but I was kind of busy reading Suzanne Collin's CATCHING FIRE...... [since my part in the paper is still not that possible to finish at this point....]
I'm almost half of the whole book.....[it's a short one though] and it has just been 9 hours.... but I doubt though that I'd bee going for the 2 hour challenge again....
almost half of the story and my heart goes pounding hard again... I just love the story!!! at this point I'm literally breathless on what I just read... and I'm dying to read the whole book... but it would be impossible for me.....
I have to sleep.....
so yeah, here again I admit how much of a loser I am.... I know... I'm to late to spazz for this trilogy..... but then again.... it's better late than never.... right....
so I end my unbelievably short blog at this point... I'll finish this tomorrow... promise [but it's not 24 hours though.. ahhhaa.. whatever comes next in this amazing story.... one thing is for sure.... I'll be seeing Hunger Games in my sleep ones more...... good night....