so I'm making this fast... since I'm honestly sleepy but I just have to say this....
Lee Hi just made her follow up stage for ROSE at M-Countdown today.... yet I'm a little disappointed with it...
1) the sets.... well it's really good. yet I was picturing out something with a platform in the middle full of roses..... but then again the other parts were exactly as I've seen it would be.....
2) dancers.... weird... I just find them weird.... so disturbing.... and they kind of cover Hayi on the stage... which brings me back to the platform.... if she was on a platform, having dancers dance below her would not be that disturbing at all... [i just think so]
3) the choreography..... part of it was good... part of it was not good.... I mean, I don't find a reason for Hayi to dance sexy in this one..... [though she usually does that on kpop star]... but with this song... I don't know....
4) she has a cracked up voice right now..... little Hayi.... please rest......
and then again..... this stage was not that bad.... only lacked at some parts..... and that black and red effect is jjang!!! and her outfit as well....